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“Grettel” is a CrossFit WOD that involves a combination of cleans and toes-to-bars. Here’s the structure: “Grettel” 10 rounds for time: • 3 Clean and Jerks (135 pounds for males, 95 pounds for females) • 3 Toes-to-Bars Tips: 1. Clean and Jerk Technique: Focus on efficient clean and jerk technique. Ensure good form on each repetition to maintain consistency. 2. Toes-to-Bars: If toes-to-bars are challenging, consider scaling to hanging knee raises or a modification that challenges your core while allowing for consistent movement. 3. Pacing: Approach “Grettel” with a steady pace. It’s a workout that can accumulate fatigue, so find a rhythm that allows you to maintain intensity across all rounds. 4. Breathing Control: Manage your breathing during the clean and jerks and toes-to-bars. Controlled breaths can help you sustain your effort throughout the workout. Benchmarks: Completing the workout within 10-15 minutes is a common goal. Elite athletes may aim for sub-8 minute times.
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